Thursday 4 April 2013

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Student Activity Center

 April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was held. People all over the country made promises to help the environment. Everyone got involved and since then, Earth Day has spread all over the planet. People all over the world know that there are problems we need to work on and this is our special day to look at the planet and see what needs changing. Isn't it great? One person had an idea and kept working until everyone began working together to solve it. Following activities are proposed by Student Activity Centre for Celebration of Earth day on 22nd April 2013.

1.      Earth Day Assembly

·         Assembly might include:  a guest speaker, information displays   created by each grade or classroom (built out of recycled materials if possible), sketches/plays       about the environment, and environmental storytelling..

2.      College yard Clean-up

·         It is proposed to organize a College yard and community clean-up.         Removal of garbage/litter from College grounds to make the yard more visually appealing. Neighborhood or downtown area Walk and initiatives to participate in a community clean-up.

3.      Environmental Quiz

·         A Quiz Examination for Awareness.

4.      Coordinate a “Lights Off” Campaign

·         Turning off the lights in all of the classrooms for two or three hours during Earth Day.  Resource person for Rajasthan State Electricity Board   will be invited to discuss the benefits of conserving energy.


5.      Street Plays

A play will be organized for Awareness in Government school nearby to aware students about why earth day is celebrated and what are the different initiatives can be taken for maintain the ecological balance.

6.      Documentary Presentation

A documentary Made by students will be shown on the day to create awareness towards the green initiatives of mother earth.

7.      Walk for Green

It is proposed to   Organize a “walking/wheeling Monday” or “,     which encourages taking active transportation to and from College.  Parent Volunteers, Batch Counselors, Faculty members     who will volunteer to walk with groups of children can facilitate this project.     .

8.      Tote-Your-Own-Trash Day

It is proposed to tote trash around with College for one day or week to get an       idea of how much garbage we throw out!  At the end of the day or week, We can develop our            personal action plan with goals to reduce, reuse and recycle.

9.      Khoj

Students create fashions out of recycled materials        such as gum wrappers, aluminum foil, cereal boxes, CD’s, etc.  Then have a Exhibition show during our Earth Day Celebration. 

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