Udyam - The Social Works Society

UDYAM (March 2013) REPORT
Udyam is the social service team of SAC. Recently Udyam organized various social events during RIET Techfest- the Carnival 2013. As the tag line of Udyam says 'EkPrayatn' so does the team works for the up liftmen of society and nature. Hence to begin with their first step Udyam took the initiative of serving two NGO(s) namely Prayas and NayaSavera. Also the team contributed towards the environment by organizing a plantation at smritivan. The Team under the leadership of RatneshPilania (President, Udyam) and RachitKansal (President, Udyam) performed wonderfully and made the three events a big success. The elaborative report is given further date vice.
Prayas, is a NGO which is established in Jaipur. The organization nourishes the children which are physically and mentally handicapped. The Prayas organization was invited at at our campus on 19th March 2013 at 11pm. The transport was arranged by the college. Yogendra Singh and Ravi Bhoopal, the team members went to receive them. The organization was welcomed by the first year coordinators with the Tilak ceremony.  Mr. V.S.Sisodia (Principal, RIET), Mr. K.C.Sharma (Vice- Principle, RIET), Dr. ShaliniKulshrestha (HOD Chemistry Dept.), Mr. Akash Saxena (SAC Convener) presented bouquets to the delegates from Prayas.Also the Chief Guest Ku.Bhim Singh marked his supreme presence. The event was addressed by Mr. Dinesh Swami ( CS Dept.) and Mr.Sourabh Sharma ( 3rd year, ECE) and Mr. Karan Arora ( 4th year ) .After there was a Drawing competition organized for the special children. They presented a great example of art. The drawing competition ended successfully and after which the refreshment session was followed. The children were well entertained; they danced and sang songs showing their awesome talent. The children were given gifts too. Photo session with the kids was also conducted. The organization left the campus at 2 pm.

NayaSavera, the second NGO which works for children empowerment visited the college campus on 20th March 2013 at 2:30 pm. Mr. Jyotirmay Sharma (2nd year, ECE) went to receive the organization. The organization with slum children and some delegates was welcomed with the traditional Tilak ceremony. The Delegates were presented with the bouquets by Principal, Vice- Principal and Prof. ShaliniKulshrestha. The addressing of the event was done by Mr. RishabhSurana (4th Year, ECE) and Miss DishaArora (1st year, CSE). The coordinators took the kids for a campus visit. They were mesmerized to see various creative competitions being conducted in the college, after that the small kids performed dance on various bollywood tracks and the audience was entertained thoroughly. The performances ended with a big hustle on the stage, when the coordinators, delegates and kids danced to the beats of sound tracks. The Chairman of the NGO gave an inspirational speech so as to spread the awareness about their great social work. After that children had their refreshment session and at the last before leaving they were presented with the gifts. The NGO left the college at 5pm.
The NGO(s) were also given the funds of Rs 11000/- by the college on the Annual day 22ND March 2013.
21st March is celebrated as THE WORLD'S FORESTARY DAY so did the Udyam team do. The Team with the Faculty Coordinators Mr. RaghavSingh(ME Dept.), Mr. Mahesh Jangir (ME Dept.), the mentors Mr. AdityaShekhar, Mr. AkashSaxena left the college at 8 am to conduct plantation at Smritivan(A Biological Park, Jaipur). The visit further succeeded with the warm presence of Mr. R.S. Tomar (The Chairman RIET), Dr. V.S.Sisodia (Principal) and Dr. K.C.Sharma (Vice-Principal). The plantation was managed by Captain Manish and his Team. Thus the team contributed toward Mother Nature by this plantation event. The team returned to the college by 10:30 am. At last the Udyam proved to be a big success. 

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